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Accessible legal tips, know-how and news for anyone with a complaint or legal issue from Stephen Gold, author of The Return of Breaking Law, the book

Tuesday, 25 March 2025


You haven't dipped into my 'Law Watch' video number 47? Shame on you. I there heralded a series of increases (and some decreases) in court and tribunal fees (and a couple of others) which were intended to take effect on 01 April 2025. The legislation required to give effect to the changes has since been published and will not come into force until 08 April 2025. That means you have extra time to save on the affected fees by rushing to take a step in proceedings which would be caught by the legislation or, in the case of a small number of decreases, going slow.

The legislation is the Court and Tribunal (Miscellaneous Amendments)  Order 2025 (SI 2025/351) which you can find here -


Tuesday, 18 March 2025


I've gone video mad. Can't stop myself. Here is another. This time we look at extension of the £500 voucher scheme for  mediation in child disputes, where we are with the Merricks v Mastercard collective compensation claim - and the Supreme Court ruling on squatters' rights.

Click below for the video and click again for a free PDF fact sheet.

Friday, 7 March 2025


The sunshine is out. And so is my latest video which, in response to numerous pleas, is shorter than usual.  Save some money by prudent timing as many court - and some tribunal- fees are set to go up.  Extraordinarily, a small number are going down! Legislation to give effect to the ups and downs can be expected to come into force - on 1st April 2025!

The video also summarises residential leasehold changes in the law. Claims by Right to Manage companies become less risky and the qualifying condition for mixed used buildings is altered. Also, qualifying for freehold acquisition and lease extension is now easier. 

Do click below for a shock and have a second click to download the free PDF fact sheet

Monday, 20 January 2025


See what has happened to my face over the Christmas break and watch - or listen, if you cannot bear it- to my latest video on what has been happening since we last met and what is in the pipeline. Feast on-

  • whiplash tariffs to rise
  • the new code of practice for private parking infringements and how to escape from a parking ticket or secure a penalty reduction
  • guidelines for solicitors' charges go up to reflect inflation
  • court funds office's special account rate goes down - and interest on special losses with it
  • no mini-trials for relief from sanction applications, says the Court of Appeal
  • reporters and legal bloggers to gain access to most children and financial remedy hearings
Just click below.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


Remember that claim against Mastercard which looked like generating a few bob for around 46 million people - you are probably one of them - without the need to get out of their armchair? It kicked off in the Competition Appeal Tribunal in 2016 since when there have been hearings about this, that and the other and some appeals against decisions made. Well, sometimes the law moves slowly and this case was about as complicated as it gets. I explained the background to it all in my post of 25 November 2016 which I have reproduced below.

So what has happened? The case has been settled with Mastercard agreeing to stump up an estimated £200 million. And that means that everyone eligible will likely collect between £40 and £50. But hold on. The settlement has to be approved by the Tribunal which will consider whether or not to do so early next year.  There's a big fly in the ointment. The claim, involving enormous legal costs, has been financed by litigation funders. They are in the business of financially backing litigation they reckon has a very good chance of success in return for a cut of the spoils. The bigger the award or settlement, the more they get. The funders in this case have announced that they reckon the settlement is too low and they are set to oppose it being approved. I reckon there is more than an evens chance that the settlement will be approved but hold on to the champers for a bit longer. After all, you have been holding on for nearly eight years up till now. Watch this space. 

Friday, 25 November 2016


Don't open the champers yet but you could (no promises) ultimately be entitled to some money by barely straining yourself. It's all because of what is known as a collective claim against MasterCard for around a cool £14 billion. You have never used a MasterCard? You have never spoken to MasterCard? You have never heard of MasterCard? Worry not.

Between 1992 and 2008 millions (or trillions) of customers paid for goods and services by using a MasterCard credit or debit card. It turns out that each time the business accepted the card, it paid a fee to MasterCard which was unlawful. This has been decided by the European Commission. More than half a million businesses in the UK including major supermarkets who paid these fees passed them on to you by charging higher prices. So you, it is said, have lost out whether or not you personally used a MasterCard, by being charged more than would have otherwise been the case.

Walter Merricks who is a lawyer and former Financial Ombudsman doesn't reckon that is fair and so has brought a claim against MasterCard on behalf of anyone who has lost out because of those unlawful fees. The claim has been made to the Competition Appeal Tribunal under the 2015 Consumer Rights Act.  If the claim was successful you could be in for some sort of pay out - goodness knows how much or how it would be calculated - provided that you paid for goods and services from a business that accepted MasterCard - though you didn't necessarily pay through MasterCard - between 22 May 1992 and 21 June 2008. But you would have had to have been a UK resident for the previous three months non-stop, been at least 16 and paid that higher price.

The Tribunal to which the claim has been made has to decide whether to allow the claim to continue. It will do this at a hearing set of 18 January 2017. If you wanted a day out and had nothing better to do, you could ask for permission to make representations at that hearing, especially if you are someone who could benefit from the claim being allowed. You must do that by 22 December 2016. But, seriously, you would have to have really good reasons for seeking that permission. They won't want a few thousand individuals chipping in.

There's nothing you need to do at the moment except watch this space and pray. But if you want more info, go to www.mastercardconsumerclaim.co.uk

Tuesday, 12 November 2024


My latest video is unfit for litigant in person consumption  but anyone can take a look.  It's about my pick of the latest Civil Procedure Rule amendments and Practice Direction 171. Some Fixed Recoverable Costs. Some Writs and Warrants of Possession. And a pinch of Brexit. Do click below.

Thursday, 17 October 2024


Hello 'Law Watchers'. It's me again. 

My latest video covers new laws on 

*the sharing of restaurant tips among staff and

* getting your money back for loads of scams which lead to instructing your bank to make a payment to the scammer's bank on or after 07 October 2024 

PLUS we look at the reduction in the Court Funds Office's special account interest rate which impacts on the calculation of personal injury special losses interest

PLUS upcoming increases in certain land registry and land charges registry fees

Just click below