We should all make a lasting power of attorney. It gives authority to those we trust to make decisions about our property and affairs if and when we lose the mental capacity to do so ourselves. We can also make a separate power of attorney dealing with our personal welfare. The lasting power of attorney - which can be made on line - replaced the enduring power of attorney but any enduring powers of attorney made under previous legislation remain valid.
A lasting power of attorney needs to be registered with the Public Guardian Office. An enduring power of attorney should also be registered where it is believed that the maker is or is becoming mentally incapable. The registration fee was reduced on 1 April 2017* - yes, at first I reckoned I had been April Fooled! - from £110 to £82. If you mess up the registration process, you will have to resubmit it at an additional fee and this has also been reduced, from £55 to £41. Where the person who has made the power of attorney is on certain state benefits or a low income, there may be a fee exemption of a 50% reduction.
Go to www.gov.uk/lasting-power-of-attorney for much, much more and ease the worries of your loved ones.
* see The Public Guardian (Fees, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 SI 2017/503