Remember that claim against Mastercard which looked like generating a few bob for around 46 million people - you are probably one of them - without the need to get out of their armchair? It kicked off in the Competition Appeal Tribunal in 2016 since when there have been hearings about this, that and the other and some appeals against decisions made. Well, sometimes the law moves slowly and this case was about as complicated as it gets. I explained the background to it all in my post of 25 November 2016 which I have reproduced below.
So what has happened? The case has been settled with Mastercard agreeing to stump up an estimated £200 million. And that means that everyone eligible will likely collect between £40 and £50. But hold on. The settlement has to be approved by the Tribunal which will consider whether or not to do so early next year. There's a big fly in the ointment. The claim, involving enormous legal costs, has been financed by litigation funders. They are in the business of financially backing litigation they reckon has a very good chance of success in return for a cut of the spoils. The bigger the award or settlement, the more they get. The funders in this case have announced that they reckon the settlement is too low and they are set to oppose it being approved. I reckon there is more than an evens chance that the settlement will be approved but hold on to the champers for a bit longer. After all, you have been holding on for nearly eight years up till now. Watch this space.